Life on the Web – October 17, 2017

Abortion On Its Birthday, Planned Parenthood Marks 101 Years Building a Culture of Death by Deanna Wallace  Creation Why Does Anything Exist? – A scientist questions why any matter in the universe

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Life on the Web – October 13, 2017

Abortion The 20-Week, Pain-Capable Abortion Bill Reveals Uncomfortable Truths About Both Parties by Jay Hobbs – “Although the bill enjoys support across demographic and party lines it’s also highly unlikely

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Life on the Web – October 9, 2017

Abortion Faith and Planned Parenthood by Rev. Robert Fleischmann Defenders of the Unborn: the virtue of steadfastness by William C. Duncan – “Chronicling the pro-life movement before Roe v. Wade.” Fighting

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Life on the Web – October 5, 2017

Abortion Cosmo Insists Pro-Lifers Are Hypocrites For Not Condemning Everything Terrible In The World by Margot Cleveland – “Jill Filipovic faults pro-lifers for not publicizing the in-utero deaths Flint’s poisoned

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Life on the Web – September 27, 2017

Abortion You Won’t Believe What Texas Prosecutors Are Finding From Abortionists Opposing A Human Dismemberment Ban by Margot Cleveland – “Texas abortionists are literally arguing that killing babies before ripping them

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Life on the Web – September 25, 2017

Abortion These Pro-Lifers Enter Abortion Centers To Talk With Mothers Scheduled For An Abortion by Jeremiah Keenan – “Last week’s incidents across the country, dubbed Red Rose Rescues, were inspired

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Life on the Web – September 22, 2017

Abortion Writer Complains Flight Cancellations Mean Fewer Women Will be Able to Abort Their Babies by Micaiah Bilger  No Reason to Celebrate by Bradley Mattes Men, misogyny, and hypocrisy: When the

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Life on the Web – September 19, 2017

Abortion Top medic: Abortion should be like “getting your bunions sorted” Why You’ve Never Really Seen Hollywood Portray An Abortion Scene by Cullen Herout – “Would any of us claim

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