2023 Annual Activity Reports (AAR)

Available Now – Life Team Tool Kits!  Call the national office to find out more.

A Life Team is a Gospel-motivated group of church members that communicates and shares the abundant love of Christ, in life issues within the church, and outward into the community. Members are equipped through specialized training to be a relational conduit of expertise and practical resources pertaining to the multifaceted aspects of life ministry.

These teams are designed to help the pastor with what otherwise might be an overwhelming task. Life Teams are unified, trusted teams that the pastor can utilize to provide life-issue expertise, consistent initiatives, and access to dedicated resources. A Life Team will also help the pastor engage and inform the congregation from the pulpit, through Sunday school, and through youth and adult education about the importance of protecting the sanctity of human life at all stages.

To find out more about starting a Life Team, contact Virginia Flo, Director of Volunteer Relations at vflo@lutheransforlife.org or 651.333.0337.

Life Team Tool Kit Order Form

Frontline Call

LFL Frontline Zoom Call Information – October 14, 2024

Frontline Call Archive

Free Resource! Nine Facets of a healthy Life Ministry

Nine Facets of a Healthy Life Ministry

Life Teams Map

LFL Life Teams Map 

The Volunteer Relations Team at Lutherans For Life is continually available to offer help and advice. Life Teams are a vital part of our Frontline ministry, and we pledge our support.

Virginia J. Flo, Director of Volunteer Relations
vflo@lutheransforlife.org | 651.333.0337

Michele Hartshorn, Assistant Director of Volunteer Relations
mhartshorn@lutheransforlife.org | 612.816.6194

Barbara Lane Geistfeld, DVM, Volunteer Relations Associate
bgeistfeld@lutheransforlife.org | 830.935.3415 (H) | 830.388.8640 (C)