Life On the Web – October 30, 2012

Scripture for Today This Year’s Elections by Father Patrick Reardon 10 Questions a Pro-Choice Candidate Is Never Asked by the Media The Mourdock Moment: Life, Death, and Lies on the

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Life On the Web – October 24, 2012

Scripture for Today Thousands call Planned Parenthood for mammograms after Obama’s claim by Carl Bunderson Pro-Lifers: Pay Attention to These Key Ballot Measures by Mary Harned Russians Warn on U.S.

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Life On the Web – October 19, 2012

Scripture for Today Is That a Fact? Biden on the HHS Mandate by John Stonestreet – “It’s bad enough when the government threatens religious freedom. But when the Vice President

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Life On the Web – October 16, 2012

Scripture for Today Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation by Steve Deace – A very thought-provoking article by this Iowa-based national talk show host.  A Game Changer for the

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Life On the Web – October 9, 2012

Scripture for Today LifeChain: Millions of People Told Abortion Kills Children Good news! Stem Cells from Skin Cells Wins Nobel Prize by Wesley J. Smith A Nobel Prize for ethics?

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Life On the Web – October 2, 2012

Scripture for Today Christians, Quit Being Apathetic and Stand Against Abortion by Abby Johnson  Video: The Hope of Being Adopted – I found this video very moving. Many kids remain

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Life On the Web – September 27, 2012

Scripture for Today What lies beyond conscience? by Michael Cook – “Respect for conscience and conscientious objection is being eroded in the medical profession.” A beastly double standard by Clive

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Life On the Web – September 20, 2012

Scripture for Today Kids on the Cliff – Adoption Tax Breaks Threatened by John Stonestreet – “While Congress and the Administration continue the wrangling over the looming “fiscal cliff,” a

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