January 1, 2013

Scripture for Today

Happy New Year

Circumcision and Name of Jesus

Spectacular Images of Fetal Development Now Available as iBook by Dave Andrusko

Russian Adoption News
There was a lot of bad news–tragic news–this past week from Russia. Please keep this terrible situation in your prayers. The hearts and minds of even the most close-minded, hard-hearted, Russian officials can be changed. Even as the headlines fade, let’s not forget the orphans in Russia–and around the world–or the families whose hopes and dreams have been crushed by what has happened. Here are a few articles and video from the past week, including a few for which I was interviewed.

Russia adoption ban upsets Iowa parent by James Q. Lynch

Video: Ban proposed on Russian adoptions

Ban on Russian adoptions impacts Iowans by Dan Danielson

Russia’s Adoption Ban Has Very Little to Do With Adoption by Jedd Medefind

New law to ban adoption of Russian children by Katherine Klingseis – “An Iowa family denied a boy a year ago watches as others experience the pain.”

Video: ADOPTION BAN: Iowan Sympathizes Over Ban by Stephanie Moore

Iowa families react to Russian adoption ban – “Families say Russian government reacted too forcefully”

West Michigan family among last in U.S. to complete Russian adoption by Heidi Fenton

An Adoption Law Only King Herod Would Sign by Victor Davidoff

Americans no longer allowed to adopt from Russia

President Putin Signs Ban on Americans Adopting Russian Kids