In the Palm of a Father’s Hand–and the Courage of Marriage
I have never met Paul and Jenn. But their story, featured on the front page of my hometown paper, caught my attention. The way I see it, Paul and Jenn have been living with dying.
I have never met Paul and Jenn. But their story, featured on the front page of my hometown paper, caught my attention. The way I see it, Paul and Jenn have been living with dying.
This is my daughter, Lydia. She’s 11 years old, loves Jesus, and climbing trees, and has a ready hug for anyone at any time. And before she was born, a doctor offered to abort her.
How do we live our life and always remember that although our bodies will die, our souls will live eternally? What did the author of Philippians mean when he wrote: “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21). How can dying be gain?
On his death bed, an elderly pastor dictated a letter to his last remaining seminary classmate. He told his wife to write, “I am soon to leave the land of the living and will be with the dying.” But after a pause he said, “No, no! Change that. I am soon to leave the land of the dying and will be with the living.”