Life on the Web – August 17, 2018

Abortion Chelsea Clinton Claims Aborting 60 Million Babies Since Roe “Added $3.5 Trillion to Our Economy” by Micaiah Bilger Chelsea Clinton is Wrong. Killing 61 Million Babies Has Caused a

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Life on the Web – August 11, 2018

Abortion FDA Purchases Aborted Baby Parts to Transplant Their Brain Tissue Into Mice by Steven Ertelt Pro-Life Groups Slam FDA for Purchasing Aborted Baby Parts for Horrific Research by Steven

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Life on the Web – August 7, 2018

Abortion For Every Woman’s Abortion Story, A Baby Has One, Too by Cullen Herout – “A pro-abortion campaign demands Americans consider abortion in terms of ‘what women go through,’ rather

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Life on the Web – July 30, 2018

Abortion Do We Speak Life or Whisper Death? by Tawnia Hoehne Planned Parenthood NYC Removes Obscene Ad Touting Abortion As Crucial To Free Sex by Georgi Boorman – “The ad ends

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Life on the Web – July 24, 2018

Abortion Oregon’s Hypocrisy – Abortion and a Case of Parental Neglect by John Stonestreet & G. Shane Morris – “Equal treatment under the law is a cornerstone of our government—but one group

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Life on the Web – July 17, 2018

Abortion Abortion Destroys Everything by Ann McElhinney Abortion, Bias, and Babies with Down Syndrome – Good Argument, But We Can Do Better by John Stonestreet & Roberto Rivera – “A pro-choice doctor just

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Life on the Web – July 6, 2018

Abortion Zombie Abortion Arguments – Pro-Death Ideas that Never Die by John Stonestreet & G. Shane Morris – “Some arguments for abortion we hear over and over again. They’re easy to refute,

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Life on the Web – July 2, 2018

Abortion Why The Supreme Court’s Ruling Will Protect All Pregnancy Centers From Forcibly Promoting Abortion by Margot Cleveland – “The majority opinion in NIFLA provides crisis pregnancy centers a nearly

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Life on the Web – June 25, 2018

Abortion Dr. Martin Luther King’s Niece: “A Black Child is Three Times More Likely to be Aborted Than a White Child” by Micaiah Bilger Mosher: China May End Two-Child Policy,

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Life on the Web – June 15, 2018

Abortion The Silent Suffering of Fathers After Abortion by Victoria Robinson Teacher Under Fire for Showing Pro-Life Video of How Babies are Killed in Abortions by Steven Ertelt Cecile Richards:

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