Life on the Web – October 10, 2016

Abortion Abortion protests mark a black day for Poland by Carolyn Moynihan – “Furious young women throng the streets to reject an abortion ban.” The emptiness of “trust women” by Paul

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Life on the Web – October 3, 2016

Abortion Must-watch video: Confused pro-abortion witness testifies in favor of a pro-life law by Ben Johnson Bioethics Sperm donors: there’s an app for that in London by Michael Cook Children

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Life on the Web – September 28, 2016

Abortion Cosmo Tells Girls They’re Helpless Victims Of Their Own Reproduction by Georgi Boorman – “The Hyde Amendment doesn’t ‘restrict poor women’s access to health care.’ It just says my tax

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Life on the Web – September 26, 2016

Abortion Old Hollywood’s Abortion Secret by Gina Dalfonzo – “What a culture of death tells us about a culture of life.” Andy Richter Is ‘Eternally Grateful’ His Wife Aborted His Child

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Life on the Web – September 23, 2016

Abortion New Studies Reinforce That Zika Is No Excuse To Sterilize Women And Kill Children by Holly Scheer If Planned Parenthood Thinks Black Lives Matter It Should Stop Killing Them by D.C.

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Life on the Web – September 16, 2016

Abortion Wrong, Naya Rivera: Abortion Is A Men’s Issue, Too by D.C. McAllister – “Women like actress Naya Rivera dismiss men because they aren’t carrying the baby. Yet the father does

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Life on the Web – September 8, 2016

Abortion Gene Wilder’s three brushes with abortion by Ben Johnson Adoption  22-Year-Old Surprises The Man She Calls Dad With Adoption Papers Bioethics Promoting Infanticide in Newsweek by Wesley J. Smith

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Life on the Web – August 29, 2016

Abortion A Celebration of Death by Alexandra Desantis University of New Mexico Dept. head confirms high school students dissected aborted baby brains by Susan Michelle Abortion Leader: Pro-Lifers Think Women

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