Life on the Web – March 21, 2018

MARCH 21 IS WORLD DOWN SYNDROME DAY Abortion People With Down Syndrome Deserve Our Love, Not Genocide by Jonathan Lange – “Killing those with Down syndrome serves no rational purpose.

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Life on the Web – March 13, 2018

Abortion All-Ireland Rally for Life unites 100,000 supporters Taxpayer Dollars Fund Billions for Abortions Abortion Goes Eugenics by Wesley J. Smith Abortion corrupts everything it touches by Dave Andrusko Powerful photo

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Life on the Web – March 8, 2018

Abortion Michigan pro-lifers now saving babies from within a former Planned Parenthood by Katie Franklin Irish Supreme Court overturns ruling on constitutional rights of the unborn Abortion Causes 25% of

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Life on the Web – March 7, 2018

Abortion Fact Check Web Site Politifact Claims Whether Abortion Kills Babies is a “Disputed” Fact by Tim Graham The Mexico City Policy Works – So of Course Abortion Advocates Can’t Stand

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Life on the Web – March 2, 2018

Abortion 15 minutes to decide whether to abort twin with Down syndrome Adoption Video: 1-Week-Old Abandoned Baby Finds Forever Home Bioethics How About Some Good News? by Stacey Lennox – “Researchers

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Life on the Web – February 22, 2018

Abortion Video: What You Need to Know About Planned Parenthood by Publius – “Imagine there’s an organization that claims to stand for one thing, but actually stands for another.” Brothers

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Life on the Web – February 12, 2018

Abortion Lutheran University Holding Event With Planned Parenthood Where Women Brag About Their Abortions by Micaiah Bilger How Samantha Saved Baby Giselle With A Pill Reversal After Three Abortion Attempts

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Life on the Web – January 22, 2018

Abortion On January 22, 1973—45 years ago today—two Supreme Court decisions (Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton) effectively legalized abortion for all nine month of pregnancy for any reason

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Life on the Web – January 19, 2018

Abortion 60,069,971 Abortions in America Since Roe v. Wade in 1973 by Steven Ertelt Planned Parenthood’s Annual Evil – Pray to End Abortion—and Its Funding by Eric Metaxas & Anne Morse –

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