Life On the Web – October 21, 2015

Abortion The 7 Biggest Problems With CNN’s Planned Parenthood Story by Mollie Hemingway Planned Parenthood Changes Its Plans, But We Do not – Keep Up the Pressure! by John Stonestreet – “Responding

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Life On the Web – October 19, 2015

Abortion 349 Babies Saved From Abortions So Far During 40 Days for Life Pro-Life Campaign by Steven Ertelt Planned Parenthood’s “Fix”? Making Fetal Harvesting “Free” by Jordan Candler Between the Lines:

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Life On the Web – October 14, 2015

Abortion Planned Parenthood: We’re Going To Stop Doing That Thing We Said Was Totally Legal by Bre Payton 4 Ways Planned Parenthood Has Billed Taxpayers For Elective Abortions by Bob

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Life On the Web – October 13, 2015

Abortion LifeChain unites 237 Canadian communities in powerful pro-life witness by Steve Weatherbe Stunning: 100,000 flags planted for every baby aborted in Canada each year by Steve Weatherbe California gov.

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Life On the Web – October 12, 2015

Abortion Top 5 Planned Parenthood Myths by Julie Roys Massive Anti-Planned Parenthood Protests Nationwide Include Inspiring Stories of Women Who Chose Life by Ray Nothstine 70,000 Pro-Life People Protest Planned

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Life On the Web – October 9, 2015

Abortion “All Sorts Of Nasty”: These 39 Yelp Reviews Of Planned Parenthood Clinics Will Horrify You by Mollie Hemmingway – “‘Experience was awful,’ ‘insanely horrible,’ ‘filthy,’ ‘frankly, I am scared,’

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Life On the Web – October 6, 2015

Abortion Planned Parenthood’s Defense: We Harvested Brain of a Different Baby by Fletcher Armstrong Harrison, Carlson decry abortion, sale of baby parts by Roger Drinnon Media: Illustrating Stories Is Good, Unless

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Life On the Web – October 5, 2015

Abortion 40 Days for Life Pro-Life Prayer Campaign Saves 139 Babies From Abortions, So Far by Shawn Carney Pro-life group releases full graphic footage of living aborted baby Carly Fiorina

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Life On the Web – October 2, 2015

Abortion War on Women: Planned Parenthood Killed About 438 Unborn Baby Girls Per Day by Terry Jeffrey Surprise! Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Do Mammograms by Nate Jackson Planned Parenthood Head: An Abortion Survivor

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