Life on the Web – October 22, 2018

Abortion How Overturning Roe v. Wade Might Strengthen Abortion In America by Caroline D’Agati – “Just as bitterness over the end of slavery sparked horrendous backlash over the coming decades, the

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Life on the Web – October 10, 2018

Abortion Exposing a serial killer, and the culture of death by Ann McElhinney End-of-Life Prevention Is Right Answer to Assisted-Suicide Requests by Wesley J. Smith Family Living All that my wonderful

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Life on the Web – October 4, 2018

Abortion Mexican State Passes Amendment Protecting Babies From Abortion From Conception by Micaiah Bilger Disabled baby born alive after abortion dies in mother’s arms Last Man Standing by Bradley Mattes

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Life on the Web – August 24, 2018

Abortion Abortion Ice Cream Leaves a Bad Taste Oprah Winfrey Promotes “Shout Your Abortion” Movement Where Women Brag About Their Abortions by Micaiah Bilger Oprah Winfrey Faces Huge Backlash After

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Life on the Web – August 11, 2018

Abortion FDA Purchases Aborted Baby Parts to Transplant Their Brain Tissue Into Mice by Steven Ertelt Pro-Life Groups Slam FDA for Purchasing Aborted Baby Parts for Horrific Research by Steven

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Life on the Web – August 7, 2018

Abortion For Every Woman’s Abortion Story, A Baby Has One, Too by Cullen Herout – “A pro-abortion campaign demands Americans consider abortion in terms of ‘what women go through,’ rather

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Life on the Web – July 30, 2018

Abortion Do We Speak Life or Whisper Death? by Tawnia Hoehne Planned Parenthood NYC Removes Obscene Ad Touting Abortion As Crucial To Free Sex by Georgi Boorman – “The ad ends

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Life on the Web – July 24, 2018

Abortion Oregon’s Hypocrisy – Abortion and a Case of Parental Neglect by John Stonestreet & G. Shane Morris – “Equal treatment under the law is a cornerstone of our government—but one group

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Life on the Web – July 17, 2018

Abortion Abortion Destroys Everything by Ann McElhinney Abortion, Bias, and Babies with Down Syndrome – Good Argument, But We Can Do Better by John Stonestreet & Roberto Rivera – “A pro-choice doctor just

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