Happy and Blessed Reformation Day!

We celebrate the same authentically apostolic Gospel that Martin Luther enthusiastically insisted on: God gives Himself in His own Son to love, forgive, and save every human being by free

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Life on the Web – October 14, 2016

Abortion A world without Down’s? by Carolyn Moynihan – “A British actress subverts the ‘arms race’ against people with this disability.” Planned Parenthood Tells a Fairy Tale from Hell by Judie

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Life on the Web – October 10, 2016

Abortion Abortion protests mark a black day for Poland by Carolyn Moynihan – “Furious young women throng the streets to reject an abortion ban.” The emptiness of “trust women” by Paul

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Life on the Web – October 3, 2016

Abortion Must-watch video: Confused pro-abortion witness testifies in favor of a pro-life law by Ben Johnson Bioethics Sperm donors: there’s an app for that in London by Michael Cook Children

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Life on the Web – September 26, 2016

Abortion Old Hollywood’s Abortion Secret by Gina Dalfonzo – “What a culture of death tells us about a culture of life.” Andy Richter Is ‘Eternally Grateful’ His Wife Aborted His Child

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Life on the Web – September 16, 2016

Abortion Wrong, Naya Rivera: Abortion Is A Men’s Issue, Too by D.C. McAllister – “Women like actress Naya Rivera dismiss men because they aren’t carrying the baby. Yet the father does

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Life on the Web – August 15, 2016

Abortion Mom of Adult Children With Microcephaly: Don’t Abort Babies With Zika, They’re “The Greatest Gift” by Micaiah Bilger Down syndrome test could result in “conveyor belt” of abortions, warns

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Life on the Web – August 9, 2016

Abortion Researchers: Abortion should be listed as a “major cause of death” in statistics by Calvin Freiburger This Woman Had 3 Abortions So She Could Keep Making Meaningless Art by

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Life on the Web – August 5, 2016

Abortion Planned Parenthood Sues To Block Info About Baby Part Sales by Mollie Hemingway What to say to the Christian abortionist’s justification for obliterating unborn babies? by Dave Andrusko Irish High

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