Life On the Web – October 27, 2015

Abortion Say Hi to Kynlee. Her Mother Had an Abortion Appointment But Skipped It. Here’s Why by Robin Keahey, LPN 11th Video Catches Planned Parenthood Abortion Doc Selling Aborted Babies’

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Life On the Web – October 23, 2015

Abortion Planned Parenthood Fights Defunding Efforts by Kelly Bartlett Retired abortionist: Killing a baby is like removing cancer cells by Dustin Siggins Like Roaches, Abortionists Fear the Light by Bradley Mattes Belfast

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Life On the Web – October 21, 2015

Abortion The 7 Biggest Problems With CNN’s Planned Parenthood Story by Mollie Hemingway Planned Parenthood Changes Its Plans, But We Do not – Keep Up the Pressure! by John Stonestreet – “Responding

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Life On the Web – October 19, 2015

Abortion 349 Babies Saved From Abortions So Far During 40 Days for Life Pro-Life Campaign by Steven Ertelt Planned Parenthood’s “Fix”? Making Fetal Harvesting “Free” by Jordan Candler Between the Lines:

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Life On the Web – October 15, 2015

Abortion Shift Planned Parenthood Funds to Health Centers That Don’t Equate Abortion with “Women’s Health” by Marjorie Dannenfelser Should Men Have a Voice in Debate Over Abortion? Yes, Here’s Why by

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Life On the Web – October 14, 2015

Abortion Planned Parenthood: We’re Going To Stop Doing That Thing We Said Was Totally Legal by Bre Payton 4 Ways Planned Parenthood Has Billed Taxpayers For Elective Abortions by Bob

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Life On the Web – October 13, 2015

Abortion LifeChain unites 237 Canadian communities in powerful pro-life witness by Steve Weatherbe Stunning: 100,000 flags planted for every baby aborted in Canada each year by Steve Weatherbe California gov.

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Life On the Web – October 12, 2015

Abortion Top 5 Planned Parenthood Myths by Julie Roys Massive Anti-Planned Parenthood Protests Nationwide Include Inspiring Stories of Women Who Chose Life by Ray Nothstine 70,000 Pro-Life People Protest Planned

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Life On the Web – October 9, 2015

Abortion “All Sorts Of Nasty”: These 39 Yelp Reviews Of Planned Parenthood Clinics Will Horrify You by Mollie Hemmingway – “‘Experience was awful,’ ‘insanely horrible,’ ‘filthy,’ ‘frankly, I am scared,’

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Life On the Web – October 6, 2015

Abortion Planned Parenthood’s Defense: We Harvested Brain of a Different Baby by Fletcher Armstrong Harrison, Carlson decry abortion, sale of baby parts by Roger Drinnon Media: Illustrating Stories Is Good, Unless

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