Life on the Web – February 28, 2020

Abortion Abortion Survivor Has Saved Tens of Thousands of Babies From Abortion by Micaiah Bilger My Daughter Had The Same Diagnosis As Zara Dawson’s Son. Abortion Wasn’t The Answer by

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Life on the Web – February 17, 2020

Abortion From Supporting Abortion to Not Opposing Infanticide by Wesley J. Smith When it Comes to Abortion: Human Rights Begin When Human Life Begins, At Conception by Fr. Frank Pavone

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Life on the Web – January 16, 2020

Abortion New York Pressures OB-GYNs To Perform Abortions Or Leave Medicine by Regina Frost – “If New York and Planned Parenthood succeed in blocking conscience protections for medical professionals, I

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Life on the Web – December 20, 2019

Abortion What Would You Say About Abortion and Rape? – Answering a Tough Question by John Stonestreet Unethical Study Manufactures Results by Bradley Mattes “Totally unethical and discriminatory”: Mum blasts screening that has

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More than Historians

The famous quote, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” is often attributed to George Santayana, a professor, philosopher, essayist, and poet who lived during the

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Life on the Web – December 9, 2019

Abortion Why Are Pro-Choicers Bothered by Images of Aborted Clumps of Cells? by J. T. Wynn Pro-Life Activist David Daleiden Goes On The Offensive, Sues Planned Parenthood Doctor by Madeline Osburn

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Life on the Web – November 26, 2019

Abortion “We Did Not Want An Abortion, We Wanted To Give This Baby A Chance To Fight”: Parents Tell Doctors That Babies With A Disability Can Have “Wonderful” Lives. Horrendous

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Life on the Web – November 7, 2019

Abortion Judge Strikes Down Trump Pro-Life Rule Protecting Doctors From Being Forced to Do Abortions by Steven Ertelt Abortion is never medically necessary by Lila Rose & Donna Harrison What They Don’t

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