Life on the Web – February 28, 2019

Abortion New Poll Finds Americans Shift Dramatically Toward Pro-Life Label by Madeline Osburn New Federal Rule To Yank Tax Funds From Planned Parenthood If It Keeps Doing Abortions by Joy Pullman

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Life on the Web – February 21, 2019

Abortion How New York’s Radical Abortion Law Will Hurt Preemies And People With Down Syndrome by Georgi Boorman – “As states rush to legalize third-trimester abortions, consider how pro-abortion ideology results

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Life on the Web – February 14, 2019

Abortion Why Infanticide Isn’t A Bridge Too Far For Many Abortion Supporters by Hans Fiene – “As Democrat governors embrace infanticide, it appears Democrats are once again poised to follow

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Life on the Web – February 8, 2019

Abortion God Have Mercy by Carol Fouse Infanticide Debate Reflects a New Era for Abortion Politics by Matthew Lee Anderson – “As states push for pro-choice protections, Christians have a

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Life on the Web – February 6, 2019

Abortion 1,000+ people join ninth annual Midwest March For Life by Nicole Roberts Infanticide Is The Historical Hallmark Of A Pagan Culture by Georgi Boorman – “Judeo-Christian principles helped to form

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Life on the Web – January 31, 2019

Abortion National Right to Life Releases 6th Annual “State of Abortion” Report NRLC’s 6th annual “State of Abortion in America, 2019”: Part Two by Dave Andrusko New York’s “Reproductive Health Act”

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Life on the Web – January 25, 2019

Abortion New York State’s Abortion Law by Rev. Michael W. Salemink LCMS President’s statement regarding gubernatorial actions expanding abortion in New York, Illinois Cartoonist Gary Varvel on New York Abortion

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Life on the Web – January 24, 2019

LFL Job Board – Director of Y4Life Download Director of Y4Life Job Application Packet Abortion New York Senate Passes Bill Legalizing Abortions Up to Birth by Micaiah Bilger Planned Parenthood uses

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Life on the Web – January 22, 2019

Abortion Planned Parenthood Annual Report Shows It Killed 332,757 Babies in Abortions, More Than Ever Before by Micaiah Bilger – “It was another record year for the abortion giant Planned

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