Life On the Web – October 13, 2015

Abortion LifeChain unites 237 Canadian communities in powerful pro-life witness by Steve Weatherbe Stunning: 100,000 flags planted for every baby aborted in Canada each year by Steve Weatherbe California gov.

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Life On the Web – October 9, 2015

Abortion “All Sorts Of Nasty”: These 39 Yelp Reviews Of Planned Parenthood Clinics Will Horrify You by Mollie Hemmingway – “‘Experience was awful,’ ‘insanely horrible,’ ‘filthy,’ ‘frankly, I am scared,’

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Life On the Web – October 6, 2015

Abortion Planned Parenthood’s Defense: We Harvested Brain of a Different Baby by Fletcher Armstrong Harrison, Carlson decry abortion, sale of baby parts by Roger Drinnon Media: Illustrating Stories Is Good, Unless

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Life On the Web – September 24, 2015

Abortion Reversal of Fortunes by Crystal Kupper – What Rebekah Buell “found in March 2013 launched her into a small but growing company of women who have successfully reversed their pill-induced

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Life On the Web – September 18, 2015

Abortion 11 Most Important Takeaways From 10th Explosive Planned Parenthood Video by Mollie Hemingway House Votes to De-Fund Planned Parenthood After it Sells Body Parts From Aborted Babies by Steven Ertelt

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Life On the Web – September 16, 2015

Abortion Planned Parenthood Caught Admitting: If They Learn We Sell Aborted Babies “It Could Destroy Us” by Katie Yoder Abortion survivor’s emotional testimony against Planned Parenthood in Congress goes viral

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Life On the Web – September 11, 2015

Abortion House Will Vote Next Week on Bill to De-Fund Planned Parenthood, Which Sells Aborted Babies by Steven Ertelt What did we learn from accounts about Wednesday’s congressional hearing on

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Life On the Web – September 9, 2015

Abortion A Special Box and a Pro-Life Law Saved This Abandoned Baby From Infanticide by Monica Kelsey Outrage Isn’t Enough by Tony Oliphant Adoption Adoption in Russia: Families Helping Families

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