Life on the Web – June 8, 2018

Abortion Title X Rule Will Force Planned Parenthood to Stop Covering for Abuse by Lila Rose – “The abortion group has failed to report instances of sexual abuse of minors

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Life on the Web – June 4, 2018

Abortion Selectively Aborting Down Syndrome Babies Is An Absolute Moral Depravity by David Marcus – “Kids with Down Syndrome are not a burden to society, they are a blessing.” 5

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Life on the Web – May 16, 2018

Abortion Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton Vetoes Bill Allowing Women to See Ultrasound of Baby Before Abortion by Bill Poehler 20 States Want to Force Taxpayers to Fund the Planned Parenthood

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Life on the Web – May 14, 2018

Abortion Too Few Women – What Abortion Hath Wrought by Eric Metaxas & Anne Morse – “The gender imbalance in China and Asia is wreaking social chaos. And the Washington Post’s worldview

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Life on the Web – May 10, 2018

Abortion Record turn-out for London March for Life Cecile Richards: Pro-Life People “Lie, Cheat, Steal, Deceive and Break the Law,” Planned Parenthood Doesn’t by Steven Ertelt Bioethics Mouse Artificial Embryos:

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Life on the Web – May 4, 2018

Abortion YouTube Suspends Abortion Pill Reversal Explainers As “Harmful,” “Dangerous” Content by Danielle White The Ugly Business of Planned Parenthood by Bradley Mattes After the Abortion British Pregnancy Advisory Service: post-abortion

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Life on the Web – April 26, 2018

Abortion Preparing to mark 50 years of abortion in the UK Planned Parenthood Sues to Avoid Health Inspections by Peter Heck Devotional Questions of Consequence by Pastor Ken Klaus End-of-Life

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Life on the Web – April 24, 2018

Abortion Planned Parenthood Won’t Follow Law to Inform Women Abortion Kills a “Living Human Being” by Fred Deutch Abortion Is Murder, But That Doesn’t Mean We Must Execute Women by

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Life on the Web – April 19, 2018

Abortion Key Pro-Abortion Study Is Refuted by Bradley Mattes Grieving father tells story of his aborted son to persuade others not to abort by Sarah Terzo Adoption Try Not To Cry

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Life on the Web – April 12, 2018

Abortion Ealing Council [England] enacts PSPO to ban pro-life vigils – “SPUC’s Alithea Williams, who was at the rally and council meeting said: ‘This is a bad day for democracy

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