Life on the Web – March 15, 2019

Abortion Video: 10 Positive Ways Christians Can Respond to Abortion and Build a Culture of Life Abortion Survivors Speak Out – Faces and Stories Change Hearts and Minds by John Stonestreet & G.

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Life on the Web – March 8, 2019

Abortion Unplanned Parenthood by William Richardson – “We have all heard the quote, ‘If you fail to plan you plan to fail.’ Well, it’s time to plan better.” How Early

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Life on the Web – March 4, 2019

Abortion No uterus, no opinion? by Michael Robinson Here’s What Data Suggest Is The Most Effective Damper On Abortion Rates by Christopher Humphrey – “We can’t prove (yet) that pregnancy

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Life on the Web – February 28, 2019

Abortion New Poll Finds Americans Shift Dramatically Toward Pro-Life Label by Madeline Osburn New Federal Rule To Yank Tax Funds From Planned Parenthood If It Keeps Doing Abortions by Joy Pullman

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Life on the Web – February 21, 2019

Abortion How New York’s Radical Abortion Law Will Hurt Preemies And People With Down Syndrome by Georgi Boorman – “As states rush to legalize third-trimester abortions, consider how pro-abortion ideology results

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Life on the Web – February 14, 2019

Abortion Why Infanticide Isn’t A Bridge Too Far For Many Abortion Supporters by Hans Fiene – “As Democrat governors embrace infanticide, it appears Democrats are once again poised to follow

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Life on the Web – February 8, 2019

Abortion God Have Mercy by Carol Fouse Infanticide Debate Reflects a New Era for Abortion Politics by Matthew Lee Anderson – “As states push for pro-choice protections, Christians have a

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Life on the Web – January 31, 2019

Abortion National Right to Life Releases 6th Annual “State of Abortion” Report NRLC’s 6th annual “State of Abortion in America, 2019”: Part Two by Dave Andrusko New York’s “Reproductive Health Act”

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Life on the Web – January 17, 2019

Abortion March for Life 2019 Droves of pro-lifers will attest to uniqueness of pre-born life at 46th annual March for Life by Calvin Freiburger New Poll Shows Most Americans Support Abortion

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