Life on the Web – December 15, 2016

Abortion Veto Guarantees More Heartbeats Will Stop by Bradley Mattes Obama Just Gave Unborn Babies The Middle Finger On His Way Out The Door by Bre Payton If George Stephanopoulos’s Daughter

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Life on the Web – December 6, 2016

Abortion Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, and the FACTS by Judie Brown The Golden Age of Mass Delusion by Kevin D. Williamson A Smiling Child with Down Syndrome – France Says “Non”

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Life on the Web – November 28, 2016

Abortion CDC: 35% of Babies Aborted in 2013 Were Black by Michael W. Chapman Adoption Building Relationships by Jackie Semar, M.Ed. (Souce: email) I want to share a rule of thumb for engagement

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Life on the Web – November 18, 2016

Abortion Abortion: Another Word for Failure by Dr. Jean Garton SPUC launches new video to save the Eighth Amendment to the Irish Constitution Adoption Council reviews decision to ban Christian couple

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Life on the Web – November 7, 2016

Abortion No Medical Evidence Finds Abortion Can Save a Mother’s Life by David C. Reardon Doctors Push Abortion. Parents Push Back by Bradley Mattes Should men have an opinion on abortion?

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Life on the Web – September 28, 2016

Abortion Cosmo Tells Girls They’re Helpless Victims Of Their Own Reproduction by Georgi Boorman – “The Hyde Amendment doesn’t ‘restrict poor women’s access to health care.’ It just says my tax

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Life on the Web – September 23, 2016

Abortion New Studies Reinforce That Zika Is No Excuse To Sterilize Women And Kill Children by Holly Scheer If Planned Parenthood Thinks Black Lives Matter It Should Stop Killing Them by D.C.

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Life on the Web – September 20, 2016

Abortion “No More Baby” by Jay Nordlinger Adoption Church, We Can’t Not Know About Adoption and Special Needs! by Shannon Dingle End-of-Life Child Killing Center Soon in the Netherlands by

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