Life on the Web – May 15, 2020

Abortion They Call It Patient-Centered Tissue Viewing by Bradley Mattes What Does the COVID-19 Pandemic Have to Do With Abortion? by Jonathan Abbamonte – “For the population control movement every crisis is

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Life on the Web – May 7, 2020

Abortion Argentinian Doctor Sentenced to Prison for Refusing to Terminate Pregnancy by Wesley J. Smith A Deadly Trojan Horse by Bradley Mattes Abortion Dealers Sweep Truth under the Drug by Tony Perkins Woman

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Blessed Again … in Milwaukee

Y4Life Teams are active and well in Lutheran high schools as well as on Lutheran college campuses. Concordia Wisconsin has a thriving Y4Life Team that engages with students on campus

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Symbols of Pleasure, Gifts from Above

Our lives are filled with symbols. They’re printed on billboards and designed into logos, sewn onto clothing and emblazoned on monitors. Even without words, these symbols communicate their messages loud

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Life on the Web – February 28, 2020

Abortion Abortion Survivor Has Saved Tens of Thousands of Babies From Abortion by Micaiah Bilger My Daughter Had The Same Diagnosis As Zara Dawson’s Son. Abortion Wasn’t The Answer by

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Life on the Web – February 17, 2020

Abortion From Supporting Abortion to Not Opposing Infanticide by Wesley J. Smith When it Comes to Abortion: Human Rights Begin When Human Life Begins, At Conception by Fr. Frank Pavone

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