Life on the Web – January 22, 2016

Abortion The Real Solution as We Ponder the 43rd Anniversary of Roe by Pastor Robert Fleischmann ‘Jane Roe’ of Roe v. Wade never aborted her baby by Casey Mattox When Abortion Suddenly

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Life On the Web – January 19, 2016

Abortion Planned Parenthood is suing the Center for Medical Progress by Cassy Fiano Video Exposes Planned Parenthood Trying to Cover Up Its Sales of Aborted Baby Parts by Steven Ertelt 

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Life on the Web – January 14, 2016

Abortion Why Planned Parenthood Shouldn’t Celebrate President Obama’s Protection by Marjorie Dannenfelser – “President Obama has just shown the public he’s willing to put every government service on the line to

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Life on the Web – January 8, 2016

Abortion Praying at Planned Parenthood by John Piper Services Slashed, Assets Up: Planned Parenthood by the Numbers by Bradley Mattes Bioethics Politicians’ Response To Transgenders Is Likely To Increase Suicides

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Life on the Web – December 29, 2015

Abortion Planned Parenthood Killed 323,999 Babies in Abortions in 2014, Provided Less Health Care by Steven Ertelt Toy Story Co-Writer Joss Whedon Leads Donation Campaign for Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz

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Life on the Web – December 23, 2015

Abortion There Are No Do-Overs with Abortion by Maria Gallagher Further reflections on the baby who survived Anna Yocca’s attempted coat-hanger abortion by Dave Andrusko Elle Magazine Upset Ultrasound Image Looks “Like

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Life on the Web – December 1, 2015

Abortion CDC Abortion Surveillance Figures show decline of 4.2% in 2012 by Dave Andrusko The Most Surprising Thing About the Colorado Springs Shooting by Erick Erickson Planned Parenthood is at the

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Life on the Web – November 30, 2015

Abortion Shooter at Colorado Planned Parenthood Called a “Rambling” Loner, Never Talked About Abortion by Steven Ertelt Stop Blaming Pro-Lifers For The Colorado Springs Shooting by Ben Domenech – “Planned

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Life on the Web – November 20, 2015

Abortion Planned Parenthood Asks: What Word Describes Us? Responses Show Widespread Disgust by Mollie Hemingway Planned Parenthood Docs Caught Selling Aborted Baby Parts Headline Secret Conference by Micaiah Bilger  Planned Parenthood

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