Life on the Web – October 25, 2019

Abortion Why Abortion Apologists Like Jen Gunter Keep Lying About Babies And Christians by Hans Fiene – “OB/GYN and abortion supporter Jen Gunter ignores all the evidence in favor of

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Life on the Web – October 8, 2019

Abortion 40 Days for Life Campaign Has Saved 93 Babies From Abortion So Far by Shawn Carney Abortion Supporters Wish Rape On Pro-Lifers, Cut Out Beating Hearts, Practice On Papayas

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Life on the Web – September 10, 2019

Abortion Planned Parenthood Partner Admits Selling Intact Heads and Brains From Aborted Babies by Micaiah Bilger Over 20,000 pro-lifers march to protest UK imposing abortion on Northern Ireland by Calvin

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Life on the Web – August 13, 2019

Abortion Florida Appeals Court Rules In Favor Of A 24-Hour Abortion Waiting Period by Nicole Russell – “Last week, a Florida appeals court reversed a ruling that declared a 24-hour

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Life on the Web – July 11, 2019

Abortion Abortion and the Worldview of Irresponsibility – Pro-Life Critique Becomes Pro-Death Talking Point by John Stonestreet & G. Shane Morris – “Most people don’t know this, but early feminists—including suffragette Susan

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Life on the Web – June 20, 2019

Abortion Abortion Advocates Fail Biology Again by Tim Barnett Tragedy or Tissue? – The Contradictory Ways We Talk about the Unborn by John Stonestreet & G. Shane Morris – “If it weren’t

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Life on the Web – June 13, 2019

Abortion Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker Signs Bill Legalizing Abortions Up to Birth by Micaiah Bilger Vermont Republican Gov. Phil Scott Signs Bill Legalizing Abortions Up to Birth by Micaiah Bilger

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Life on the Web – June 7, 2019

Abortion “Let the Women Speak”: The voices of March for Life UK Overturning Roe v. Wade is the “wrong goal” for pro-life movement, Care Net CEO warns by Samuel Smith The

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Life on the Web – May 30, 2019

Abortion The Worst Argument for Abortion – “You’re Pro-Birth, Not Pro-Life” by John Stonestreet & G. Shane Morris – “If pro-lifers are going to oppose the killing of unborn children,

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Life on the Web – April 26, 2019

Abortion and the Church Methodist, Baptist, Lutheran, Presbyterian and United Church of Christ Pastors Sign Letter Supporting Abortion by Micaiah Bilger Adoption Couple Adopts 7 Siblings to Keep Them Together:

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