Life on the Web – July 8, 2022
Ob-Gyn: No, The Dobbs Decision Does Not Put Women’s Lives In Danger So Now What? Reflections on Dobbs and 50 years of Roe Celebration, Hatred, and Confusion—How to Reach People
Ob-Gyn: No, The Dobbs Decision Does Not Put Women’s Lives In Danger So Now What? Reflections on Dobbs and 50 years of Roe Celebration, Hatred, and Confusion—How to Reach People
Abandoned Ukrainian orphan with disabilities finds loving home A conversation with Mrs. Universe on foster care misconceptions and how pro-lifers can help NBA star Stephen Curry’s mother reveals she almost
DEBUNKED: The illogical ‘I’m pro-Becky’ meme that excuses the homicide of preborn children GET THE FACTS: Illegal abortion did not lead to thousands of women’s deaths Canada’s ‘Medical Assistance in
A History of Caring for Life Finnish Lutherans fully acquitted 17 Years After They Starved My Sister to Death, We Must Never Forget Terri Schiavo Christians must choose life I
Hungary Just Elected Its First Female President, And She’s Pro-Life and Pro-Family “Sexy Summer Camp” Pushes Sex on Kids, Teaches Them How to Kill Their Babies in Abortions The Nigerian
WOW: These three babies were all amazingly born on 2-2-22… at 2:22 Love Them Both: 8 ways to help a family who is adopting or fostering a child What Is
100,000 Pro-Life Americans March for Life, Look Forward to Overturning Roe and Ending Abortion Heroic teens in Russia save newborn abandoned in below zero temperatures Dr. Mildred Jefferson: Hero of
Single woman adopts student who lived in six different foster homes India Has Killed 46 Million Girls in Sex-Selection Abortions, Where are the Feminists? Premature baby as light as a
AMAZING: Second grade teacher adopts student who spent half her life in foster care ‘The kingdom ours remaineth’: Member of Augusta church loses wife in tornado Sing These Christmas Hymn
Abortion Kills Babies. Protecting Them is an Issue for Men Too, Not Just Women ‘Don’t Ever Forget To Love,’ And Other Lessons From 30 Years Of Praying At Abortion Facilities