Life On the Web – February 5, 2013

Scripture for Today HHS Mandate Revisions Will Force Religious Groups to Cover Abortions by Steven Ertelt  The Tragedy of Viewing Birth of Down Syndrome Kids as Something to Fear by

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Life On the Web – February 1, 2013

Scripture for Today Jesse Jackson was Right by Steve Deace – Lots of quotable–and surprising–quotes. Leaning Forward But Knocked Back: Pro-Lifer Rocks MSNBC Interview by Ryan Bomberger The Abortionist Saints

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Life On the Web – January 21, 2013

Scripture for Today Reconciliation by Pastor Mark Jeske Remain at Your Posts – Roe v. Wade 40 Years Later by John Stonestreet – “This month marks the fortieth anniversary of Roe

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Life On the Web – January 16, 2013

Scripture for Today Don’t You Believe It – China’s One-Child Policy by Eric Metaxas – “Is China ready to abandon or amend its infamous “One-Child Policy”? Well, to quote the

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Sidewalk Counseling

Many people have asked my opinion about sidewalk counseling. Is it effective? Is it a loving way to reach out to women considering abortion? Rather than share with you my

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