Life On the Web – June 22, 2015

Abortion Down Syndrome: A Death Sentence? by Bradley Mattes Amnesty are wrong: Obstetricians slam claims made in abortion report My Dad Showed Me What It Means to Be Pro-Life by

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Life On the Web – June 19, 2015

Abortion Telemed Abortion Ban Ruled Unconstitutional by Kelly Maricle Coroner Rules Unborn Baby Cut From Mother’s Womb Wasn’t Killed, Likens Death to Miscarriage by Steven Ertelt VIDEO: Watch What These

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Life On the Web – June 17, 2015

Abortion Why Abortion is Really Declining – The Juno Effect by John Stonestreet – “‘The right to choose’ came in with a bang of Chief Justice Burger’s gavel, but it’s

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Life On the Web – June 15, 2015

Abortion An Astoundingly Powerful Video: “Interview with an Unborn Child” by Dave Andrusko How the media promotes junk science on fetal pain by James D. Agresti Bioethics Planning for a world

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Life On the Web – June 11, 2015

  Abortion You’ll be Surprised Which Three Hollywood Legends Had Abortions and Regretted It by Maria Vitale Gallagher End-of-Life Assisted Suicide Picture Worth 1000 Words by Wesley J. Smith Worldview

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Life On the Web – June 9, 2015

Abortion Get Married to Avoid the Heartache of Abortion (SPUC, 6/9/15) Figures released by the NHS reveal that marriage is the great protector from abortion. Of the 184,571 abortions performed in

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Life On the Web – May 27, 2015

Abortion Court Rules Pro-Life Views Are “Patently Offensive,” Bans Choose Life License Plates in New York by Steven Ertelt Adoption The Hidden Side of Foster Care & Adoption by Pam

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Life On the Web – May 22, 2015

End-of-Life California Medical Association Embraces “Death Selection” by Wesley J. Smith Family Living  Dad’s Amazing Photos of Son with Down Syndrome Are Touching Hearts by Andrew Bair Families are Unfair!

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Life On the Web – May 19, 2015

Abortion Pro-choice activist: “I know life begins at conception” Ask a Swedish Pro-Life Midwife about Her Country’s Reputation for Tolerance by Jacob Rudolffson US House of Representatives passes abortion limit

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