Life on the Web – March 21, 2018

MARCH 21 IS WORLD DOWN SYNDROME DAY Abortion People With Down Syndrome Deserve Our Love, Not Genocide by Jonathan Lange – “Killing those with Down syndrome serves no rational purpose.

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Experience the Passion Play in 2020

Experience the Passion Play 10-Day Austria, Germany & Venice, Italy Tour Featuring the Oberammergau Passion Play Hosted by: Rev. Michael Wolfram & Rev. Dr. James Lamb Travel Dates: September 5-14,

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Life on the Web – March 19, 2018

Abortion Abortionist: I Cut Unborn Babies’ Cords So They Can’t Scream by Micaiah Bilger Can California Legally Force Pro-Lifers To Point Pregnant Women To Abortion Centers? by Mark Miller –

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Life on the Web – March 13, 2018

Abortion All-Ireland Rally for Life unites 100,000 supporters Taxpayer Dollars Fund Billions for Abortions Abortion Goes Eugenics by Wesley J. Smith Abortion corrupts everything it touches by Dave Andrusko Powerful photo

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Life on the Web – March 8, 2018

Abortion Michigan pro-lifers now saving babies from within a former Planned Parenthood by Katie Franklin Irish Supreme Court overturns ruling on constitutional rights of the unborn Abortion Causes 25% of

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Life on the Web – March 7, 2018

Abortion Fact Check Web Site Politifact Claims Whether Abortion Kills Babies is a “Disputed” Fact by Tim Graham The Mexico City Policy Works – So of Course Abortion Advocates Can’t Stand

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Life on the Web – March 2, 2018

Abortion 15 minutes to decide whether to abort twin with Down syndrome Adoption Video: 1-Week-Old Abandoned Baby Finds Forever Home Bioethics How About Some Good News? by Stacey Lennox – “Researchers

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Life on the Web – February 22, 2018

Abortion Video: What You Need to Know About Planned Parenthood by Publius – “Imagine there’s an organization that claims to stand for one thing, but actually stands for another.” Brothers

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Y4Life in Washington, D.C., 2018

Photo Gallery – March for Life 2018 – Washington, D.C. Since Y4Life officially launched five years ago, we have tried to encourage youth and young adults to attend the annual

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Aloha, From Y4Life!

Photo above: Laura Davis at Emmanuel Lutheran in Maui For those of us involved in life ministries, we know that it can be a lot of hard work with long, emotional

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