Life on the Web – April 6, 2016

Abortion California agents raid David Daleiden’s home, seize undercover Planned Parenthood footage by Ben Johnson Why Pro-Lifers Don’t Support Punishing Women For Abortion by Rachel Lu What Happened to “Safe, Legal,

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Life on the Web – April 1, 2016

NEW RESOURCES! New bulletin inserts—from Lutherans For Life—for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day will soon be available for shipping from Concordia Publishing House. Check out Mothers are Saints on Earth and

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Life on the Web – March 22, 2016

Abortion 5 Things Planned Parenthood Can Learn From Pregnancy Centers by Jay Hobbs – “Planned Parenthood has finally decided it wants to be ‘human-centered.’ It has a lot to learn

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Life on the Web – March 18, 2016

Creation Video: A “Nightmarish Scenario” for Darwinism — the Curse of Non-Adaptive Order by David Klinghoffer Family Living Want a stable family someday? Date intentionally by Amber Lapp – “We need

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Life on the Web – March 14, 2016

Abortion “Trapped” in a Pro-Abortion Bubble by Brent Bozell Adoption Fewer adoptive parents (and you have a homework assignment in this blog) by Douglas Riggle Bioethics First US womb transplant fails by

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Life on the Web – March 7, 2016

Abortion 40 Days for Life Sees 265 Moms Change Their Mind on Abortion by Shawn Carney Watch the Shocking Answers Pro-Abortion Protesters Give to the Question of When Life Begins

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Life on the Web – March 4, 2016

Abortion Dear Donald Trump: No, Planned Parenthood doesn’t do “wonderful” things. Stop saying it does by Kristi Burton Brown The Abortion Industry Survives by Endangering Women’s Lives by David French

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Life on the Web – March 1, 2016

Abortion Planned Parenthood Spends $137 Million to Promote Abortion Worldwide by Jonathan Abbamonte Zika and Abortion Part II – History is Rhyming by John Stonestreet – “American abortion advocates are

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Life on the Web – February 26, 2016

Abortion Former Abortionist Uses Medical Animations To Show What Happens To Baby and Mother During Abortion by Dr. Susan Berry Why Abortion Clinics Are Going Out Of Business More Quickly

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Life on the Web – February 16, 2016

Abortion Indian doctor fights gendercide by delivering baby girls for free by Steve Weatherbe Huge Victory in Northern Ireland by Dave Andrusko Babies Planned Parenthood Aborted Were Shipped in 31-Gallon Medical Waste

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