Life on the Web – May 11, 2024

Learning she was an abortion survivor sent her on a life-affirming mission Maternal Deaths Fall From Pre-Dobbs High as Almost 20 States Ban Abortions Pro-Life Doctor Shares How He Saved

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Life on the Web – April 26, 2024

Perinatal Hospice, the Most Loving Option Planned Parenthood Brought in $2.9 Billion Last Year, Killed 1,075 Babies in Abortions Every Day Planned Parenthood Killed 228 Babies in Abortion for Every

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Life on the Web – February 23, 2024

Husband/Wife Joint Euthanasia Celebrated in the Netherlands New Report Shows 89,000 Babies Saved From Abortions Since Roe v. Wade Overturned Alabama Supreme Court Rules Frozen Embryos are Unborn Children The

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Life on the Web – January 5, 2024

A Pro-Life Apology and Plea to All People of Good Will  Changing Hearts Parent conversations: How can we raise a generation that cherishes life? Abortion Was the Leading Cause of

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Life on the Web – December 29, 2023

The Creator Conflict Dozens of ex-soldiers offered assisted suicide as cure for PTSD in Canada, disgusted veteran reveals Hawaiian newborn saved by bystander after being thrown in a dumpster Live

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Life on the Web – February 24, 2023

Abortion workers share horror stories about ‘demonic’ business of death Doctors Told Mom to Abort a Disabled Twin, She Refused and Both Babies are Doing Great Princess of Wales meets

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