Life on the Web – June 22, 2024

Issues, Etc. | Planned Parenthood’s Global Reach – Bradley Haley Planned Parenthood Covers Up Evidence That It Traffics Teens to Other States for Secret Abortions Abortion Discriminates Against the Disabled

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Life on the Web – April 6, 2024

What is of First Importance? Democratic senator wants to ’eminent domain’ pregnancy resource centers in Minnesota Seventh Annual Pro-Life “March on the Arch” Brings Hundreds of Pro-Lifers to Downtown St.

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Life on the Web – March 15, 2024

Leaked Files Reveal What Doctors Knew about “Gender-Affirming Medicine” for Kids No Joe Biden, Children With Trisomy 18 Like Mine Don’t Have to be Killed in Abortions Kate Cox Didn’t

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Life on the Web – February 2, 2024

Ohio Veto Override a Victory for Children and Common Sense A Nation Awash in Death LCMS, ELS, WELS hold annual informal meeting Planned Parenthood Director Admits: We Take Teens to

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Life on the Web – January 5, 2024

A Pro-Life Apology and Plea to All People of Good Will  Changing Hearts Parent conversations: How can we raise a generation that cherishes life? Abortion Was the Leading Cause of

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Life on the Web – December 29, 2023

The Creator Conflict Dozens of ex-soldiers offered assisted suicide as cure for PTSD in Canada, disgusted veteran reveals Hawaiian newborn saved by bystander after being thrown in a dumpster Live

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Life on the Web – December 22, 2024

Damien Hirst’s giant sculptures of the development of the unborn baby are still on display in Qatar a decade later Parents fought to protect babies during tornado, with infant miraculously

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Life on the Web – February 3, 2023

Minnesota Legislature Passes Bill to Legalize Abortions Up to Birth By 1 Vote Gretchen Whitmer Defends Abortion: Killing Babies for Profit is “Just Good Economics” 20,000 People Attend Paris March

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Life on the Web – July 22, 2022

Answering Pro-Abortion ‘Gotcha’ Arguments: Burning Fertility Clinics and Other Strange Fantasies Meet the Achilles Heel of the Abortion Industry Pro-Abortionists Play “Soccer” with Bible in Seattle Why Christians Should Celebrate

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Life on the Web – May 27, 2022

Abandoned Ukrainian orphan with disabilities finds loving home A conversation with Mrs. Universe on foster care misconceptions and how pro-lifers can help NBA star Stephen Curry’s mother reveals she almost

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