Life On the Web – September 17, 2015

Abortion Dismembering Planned Parenthood by Bradley Mattes Watch The Video Planned Parenthood And Its Media Allies Deny Exists by Mollie Hemmingway – “Carly Fiorina challenges Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and others

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Life On the Web – September 11, 2015

Abortion House Will Vote Next Week on Bill to De-Fund Planned Parenthood, Which Sells Aborted Babies by Steven Ertelt What did we learn from accounts about Wednesday’s congressional hearing on

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Life On the Web – July 17, 2015

Abortion The Planned Parenthood Video – The Price of Sexual Freedom by Eric Metaxas – “How can anyone defend Planned Parenthood after the sickening video that came to light this

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Life On the Web – July 6, 2015

Abortion  Why pro-lifers baffle pro-abortionists by Dave Andrusko   Should This Beautiful Girl Have Been Aborted Just Because She Has Down Syndrome? by Steven Ertelt   The beauty of unborn

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Life On the Web – June 17, 2015

Abortion Why Abortion is Really Declining – The Juno Effect by John Stonestreet – “‘The right to choose’ came in with a bang of Chief Justice Burger’s gavel, but it’s

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Life On the Web – June 15, 2015

Abortion An Astoundingly Powerful Video: “Interview with an Unborn Child” by Dave Andrusko How the media promotes junk science on fetal pain by James D. Agresti Bioethics Planning for a world

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Life On the Web – May 19, 2015

Abortion Pro-choice activist: “I know life begins at conception” Ask a Swedish Pro-Life Midwife about Her Country’s Reputation for Tolerance by Jacob Rudolffson US House of Representatives passes abortion limit

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