Life on the Web – April 8, 2019

Abortion Yes, I Really Did See An Ultrasound-Guided Abortion That Made Me Pro-Life by Abby Johnson – “A biased article from a liberal publication has been used as the sole

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Life on the Web – March 15, 2019

Abortion Video: 10 Positive Ways Christians Can Respond to Abortion and Build a Culture of Life Abortion Survivors Speak Out – Faces and Stories Change Hearts and Minds by John Stonestreet & G.

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Life on the Web – January 25, 2019

Abortion New York State’s Abortion Law by Rev. Michael W. Salemink LCMS President’s statement regarding gubernatorial actions expanding abortion in New York, Illinois Cartoonist Gary Varvel on New York Abortion

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Life on the Web – December 31, 2018

Abortion Abortion Was the Leading Cause of Death Worldwide in 2018, Killing 42 Million People by Micaiah Bilger Cruel Pro-Abortion Trolls Call This Disabled Baby a “Monster” by Micaiah Bilger

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Life on the Web – November 29, 2018

Abortion Abortion facilities closing at unprecedented rate, says new report by Carole Novielli  Lower-Court Decisions Reveal Roe v. Wade’s Extremism by Howard Slugh Abortionist Defends Killing Babies: “A Fetus Needs Permission

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Life on the Web – November 21, 2018

Abortion Stunning Photo of Baby Who Survived Abortion Goes Viral by Katie Franklin On Thanksgiving, Planned Parenthood Wants You to Thank Abortion Clinic Staff for Killing Babies by Micaiah Bilger

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Life on the Web – November 9, 2018

Abortion Pastors Will Ask for God’s Blessing on Local Abortion Clinic Tonight by Steven Ertelt Abortion Contributes to Mental Health Problems: Both Sides Agree According to a Comprehensive Medical Review

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Life on the Web – November 2, 2018

Abortion FDA Investigating Mail-Order Abortion Pill Company As Access Grows by Liz Wolfe – “Every pro-life person should be concerned about the growing trend in easy-access abortion pills, delivered to

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Life on the Web – September 15, 2018

Abortion Is China about to end the greatest biological atrocity on the globe? Nearly 125 Indian Members of Parliament Back Petition to Introduce a Two-Child Policy by Jonathan Abbamonte –

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