Life On the Web – August 13, 2013

Abortion Iowa Board of Medicine to write rules governing web-cam abortions Randall K. O’Bannon, Ph.D. Pro-Lifers Rally Outside ABC News to Demand Fair Coverage of Abortion by Tyler O’Neil How it’s done

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Life On the Web – August 9, 2013

Abortion For Adoption or Against Abortion? by Michael Spielman What Davis Doesn’t Know About Gosnell by Jonathan S. Tobin We’re Not Gonna Take It: Time to Expose the Lies of

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Life On the Web – August 5, 2013

Abortion “Pro-Choicers” Hide From the Word Abortion, Remind Them It’s Killing a Baby by Steven Ertelt  Ask Abortion Activists Why They Favor Killing Babies Conceived in Rape by Murray Vasser ABC

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Life On the Web – August 2, 2013

Abortion The Ten Dumbest Things Said in Defense of Abortion by Cassy Fiano “Miracle”: Congresswoman rejects abortion, baby becomes first ever to survive Potter’s syndrome by Kirsten Andersen The media’s

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Life On the Web – July 29, 2013

Abortion Video: Students Sign Petition to “Abort” Babies After Birth by Katie Pavlich – “Think this isn’t the mainstream opinion of the pro-choice community? Think again. Earlier this year Florida

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Life On the Web – July 24, 2013

Abortion On second thought maybe HB 2 isn’t so bad after all by Dave Andrusko Judge stops North Dakota heartbeat law by Alissa Robertson Some People on Twitter Wish Kate

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Life On the Web – July 23, 2013

Abortion The World-Wide Love for children with Down Syndrome by Leticia Velasquez, Co-founder of KIDS (Keep Infants with Down Syndrome) Inheriting Pro-Life – How a Son Learned from His Father

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Life On the Web – July 18, 2013

Abortion Texas Governor Rick Perry Signs Bill Banning Late-Term Abortions by Steven Ertelt Abortion and Media Bias – When the Majority Doesn’t Rule by John Stonestreet – “When it comes to

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Life On the Web – July 17, 2013

Abortion Statistics debunk abortion safety myths by Alissa Robertson  Texas: How Pro-Lifers Won by Betsy Woodruff – “The pro-choice activists with ‘aggressive tattoos’ helped motivate.”  Pro-Abortion Texas Man With “No

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Life On the Web – July 11, 2013

Abortion As a Father of Five I’m Now Pro-Life, But My First Child Died in Abortion by Matt Barber New York Times Writer: More Women Need to Rejoice Over Aborting “Parasitic”

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