Life On the Web – January 10, 2014

Abortion Defending human dignity and democracy in Europe by Sophia Kiby – “The defeat of a radical report in the European Parliament has encouraged the pro-family alliance across Europe.” Bioethics

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Life On the Web – January 7, 2014

Kay Meyer retired on December 31 from Lutherans For Life after working with us as a contracted, part-time, director of development since January of 2009. Kay wrote, “It has been

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Life On the Web – December 18, 2013

Abortion The massive pro-life victory you probably didn’t hear about by Bradley Mattes Margaret Sanger: “We Want to Exterminate the Negro Population.” Her Wish is Coming True by Matthew Archbold

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Life On the Web – December 16, 2013

Abortion 127 Babies Conceived Via Government-Funded IVF Aborted By Government Funded Abortions in the UK by Christine Rousselle Adoption The Gospel Shadow of Adoption: Amos’s Story Worldview and Culture Hollywood

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Life On the Web – December 4, 2013

Abortion Another Study Links Abortion and Breast Cancer (Patriot Post, 12/4/13):  Confirming the findings of a previous study, a new study has found that the risk of breast cancer spikes

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Life On the Web – November 22, 2013

Abortion Planned Parenthood Opens Abortion Clinic Next to Adoption Center by Dr. Susan Berry Responding to the Pro-Abortion Argument: “You’re a Man You Can’t Get Pregnant” by Josh Brahm California

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