Life on the Web – September 9, 2022

The sin of racism: A Gospel response ‘Lifemark’: Motion picture about adoption shares pro-life message Court Rules New York Can’t Shut Down Christian Adoption Agency That Prefers Mother, Father for

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Life on the Web – September 2, 2022

The Firebombing and Rebuilding of CompassCare in Buffalo, New York  Answering Pro-abortion Arguments: What About Fetal Disability and Death? Mom of 12 Kids Says “Children are a Blessing” 7,000 Pro-Life

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Life on the Web – August 26, 2022

Science Answers the Question of Cancer and Pregnancy AMAZING: 99-year-old woman thrilled to welcome her 100th great-grandchild Uplift: with Abby Johnson – from clinic director to pro-life warrior New Lines

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Life on the Web – August 12, 2022

Protect Yourself in Dangerous Medical Environments Look for Your Moral Blind Spots What Abortion Built Pro-Life Coach Tony Dungy: Adopting Eight Children Has Been a “Blessing” Jaw-dropping: Pro-abortion counselors claim

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Life on the Web – August 5, 2022

43 Abortion Centers Have Closed or Stopped Killing Babies So Far, 7 States are Abortion-Free Man Adopts Baby He Found Abandoned in Trash Can Covered in Ants Pro-Lifers Need Not

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Life on the Web – July 22, 2022

Answering Pro-Abortion ‘Gotcha’ Arguments: Burning Fertility Clinics and Other Strange Fantasies Meet the Achilles Heel of the Abortion Industry Pro-Abortionists Play “Soccer” with Bible in Seattle Why Christians Should Celebrate

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Life on the Web – July 15, 2022

Killing Roe Doesn’t Mean It’s Illegal to Kill the Unborn Science Confirms Human Life Begins at Conception, Unborn Children are Human Beings Abortion is Just Like Slavery: When People are

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Life on the Web – July 8, 2022

Ob-Gyn: No, The Dobbs Decision Does Not Put Women’s Lives In Danger So Now What? Reflections on Dobbs and 50 years of Roe Celebration, Hatred, and Confusion—How to Reach People

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