On the Web – November 23, 2011

Scripture for Today Scripture for Thanksgiving The Bible as Timeless Manual – A good article on biblical literacy from Sheila Liaugminas. Caitlin McInnis, budding flim-maker, makes powerful short movie on abortion

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On the Web – November 21, 2011

Scripture for Today Girls Reclaim Their Heritage – Kathyrn Jean Lopez on what’s happening with the Girl Scouts. Saturday’s National Adoption Day a celebration  Happy Orphans? – Some good thoughts

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On the Web – November 18, 2011

Scripture for Today Time to Demand a New Abolitionist Movement – Wesley J. Smith on the never-ending fight again slavery and human trafficking.  We’re All Harry Blackmun Now — The

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On the Web – November 17, 2011

Scripture for Today A Thanksgiving gift: mother with aggressive cancer gives birth to healthy baby despite treatment Pro-Life Amendment Defeated in Pro-Life Mississippi – Stephen W. Mosher, of the Population

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On the Web – November 16, 2011

Penn State’s Shame – and Ours – From Cal Thomas. Muddying the Moral Waters – Gary DeMar, from American Vision, with more insights on the Penn State scandal. Editorial Cartoon

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On the Web – November 15, 2011

Scripture Readings for Today Geron Abandons Embryonic Stem Cell Research! Down Syndrome Awareness Day Protects Kids From Abortions – March 21 is being proposed as the date to help bring

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On the Web – November 11, 2011

Thank You Veterans!!! What The Church and Its Leaders Should Learn from Joe Paterno Commemoration of Martin of Tours, Soldier, Pastor and Bishop Putting on the Brakes – A First

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