Life On the Web – April 9, 2014

Abortion Here’s the “Missing” Evidence for S.D.’s Sex-Selective Abortion Ban by Jonathan Coppage Abortion Activists Call Parents of Baby Who Lived Just 10 Hours “Selfish” for Not Aborting Her by Cassy Fiano

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Life On the Web – April 8, 2014

Abortion Doctors Told Them To Abort Or Watch Their Baby Die, Then This Happened by Steven Ertelt Adoption You Never Age Out of Family End-of-Life Feeding Tube Removed Despite Court

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Life On the Web – April 1, 2014

Abortion When Do You Think It’s Okay to Kill These Babies in Abortion? by Sarah Terzo Jimmy Carter Equates Sex-Selection Abortion With Murder of Babies by Jack Coleman “Abortion is

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Life On the Web – March 17, 2014

Abortion University poll shows swing back towards pro-life Adoption Wendy’s Ramps Up Adoption Awareness With New Ad by Christine Rousselle Bioethics Are totipotent cells really embryos? by Michael Cook End-of-Life

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Religious Liberty?

Chuck Colson has another great column on religious freedom in the United States. nyerőgépes játékok While there is a debate on whether the Manhattan Declaration makes its own case as

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The Centrality of the Life Issues

Our friends at Issues, Etc. recently had an interview on “The Centrality of the Life Issues” with Professor Carter Snead of the University of Notre Dame Law School. Audio File: The

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