Life On the Web – June 11, 2012

Scripture for Today Eric Metaxas: Funding Barbarity – Forced Sterilizations – “Would a Western government fund a coercive sterilization program in a Third World country, all in the name of

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Life On the Web – June 8, 2012

Scripture for Today Mark Rienzi: Re: The Times’s Convolution of Facts on Abortifacients Alan Sears: Where We Are and Where We’re Headed Christian Law Group: ObamaCare Is Worse Than You

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Life On the Web – June 6, 2012

Scripture for Today LCMS Response to ELCA Sexuality Statement Report: RU 486 Kills 1.2M Children, Injures Thousands of Women John Stonestreet: The Miracle Baby of Argentina Abortion Stats– Compiled by

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Life On the Web – June 5, 2012

Scripture for Today Michael Brown: Abort a Baby, Pro-Choice; Drink a Slurpee, No Choice Beth Caulfield: Surprise midlife pregnancy: Burgeoning trends Michael Coren: Canadian Crackdown (on same-sex “marriage”) Mark L.

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Life On the Web – June 4, 2012

Scripture for Today Prayers needed: Father’s grief ‘beyond words’ in triple tragedy Star Parker: America Now a “Pro-Life” Nation Natalie Farber: Pro-Life Youth Making a Difference in Stopping Abortion Helen

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Life On the Web – May 31, 2012

Scripture for Today Peter Saunders: There are few things more horrifying than the slaughter of innocent children Former Planned Parenthood director launches new ministry to abortion workers Twin Who Survived

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Life On the Web – May 29, 2012

Scripture for Today Action Alert/National Right to Life — Call Now — Urge U.S. House members to ban sex-selection abortions nationwide!  New Zealand triplets among 19 dead in Qatar shopping

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Life On the Web – May 25, 2012

Scripture for Today Support For Pro-Choice Movement at Record Low Poll: 59% of Americans Want All, Most Abortions Illegal Congressional Black Caucus Upset By Pro-Life Black Americans Jill Stanek: Pro-Abortion

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Life On the Web – May 21, 2012

Scripture for Today Sir Francis Galton: the father of Eugenics Eric Metasxas: A Diet of Popcorn – Mindless Entertainment at the Movies June Hunt: Love and Dating: How Most Singles

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