Chuck Colson: A Sign of the Times – Repent!
Once in a while, I have an urgent message for the Church. This is one of those times. Read more …
Once in a while, I have an urgent message for the Church. This is one of those times. Read more …
Devotional thoughts, via e-mail, for November, 3, 2010, from Redeemer Lutheran Church in Sister Lakes, Michigan: 2 Timothy 4:1-2: “In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge
Do atheists know more about religion than religious people do? That was the conclusion of recent news reports on the U. كيف تربح في القمار S. Religious Knowledge Survey conducted
Americans were gripped this past weekend with the high drama of watching men drilling a hole in the ground: a hole that represented the difference between life and death and
While this post doesn’t relate directly to the life issues, Eric Rauch, of American Vision, in his article Don’t Tread on Me?, is worth a read. “One of the most
The National Life Chain is coming up October 3, from 2:00-3:30 p. para que sirve simpiox m. A recent e-mail said, “Last year on the first Sunday of October in more
Dennis Di Mauro, LFL’s representative to the National Pro-Life Religious Council, took part in the first pro-life Freedom Ride. Here’s his report: After hearing Vernessa Mitchell’s rockin’ rendition of Unity,
Albert Mohler latest post talks about a recent Sojourners magazine article on male leadership in the church.