Life On the Web – February 8, 2012

Scripture for Today Six Things Everyone Should Know About the Obama Mandate Michael Stokes Paulsen: The Unbearable Wrongness of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade First private, door-to-door euthanasia service

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Life On the Web – February 7, 2012

Scripture for Today Rebecca Hagelin: Social Media Makes Adoption Easier Girls, 13, given contraceptive implants at school – Girls as young as 13 have been fitted with contraceptive implants at

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Life On the Web – February 3, 2012

Scripture for Today Fox News: Komen foundation reverses decision to end Planned Parenthood grants Comments from Abby Johnson on her Facebook page: Do not be discouraged. Nothing has changed with

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Life On the Web – February 2, 2012

Scripture for Today Komen deluged with pro-abortion complaints: pro-lifers urged to rally in support Komen Defends Planned Parenthood De-Funding Decision Wesley J. Smith: Abortion Matters More Than Fighting Breast Cancer

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Life On the Web – February 1, 2012

Scripture for Today Komen to Stop Grants to Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz – Great news! Wesley J. Smith: Susan G. Komen For The (Breast Cancer) Cure Defunds Planned Parenthood Marvin Olasky:

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Life On the Web – January 31, 2012

Scripture for Today Why the mainstream media ignores or distorts the March for Life Daniel J. Flynn: Mass Sterilization – A Massachusetts judge revives a favorite old practice of the

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Life On the Web – January 30, 2012

Scripture for Today Refuting the Claim Women Will Resort to Coat Hanger Abortions Jill Stanek: CBS: Only abortion proponents attended the March for Life Wesley J. Smith: Free Birth Control

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Life On the Web – January 27, 2012

Scripture for Today January 22, 1973 – Roe vs. Wade: Abortion’s Religious Dimension – By Dan Graves Planned Parenthood: Roe Dying, Sex-Selection Abortions OK Kristan Hawkins: March for Life Shows

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Life On the Web – January 26, 2012

Scripture for Today Joel McDurmon: Deadly fallacy: abortion safer than giving birth, study says Major victory for life in Europe: “Euthanasia must always be prohibited” Church year commemoration today: St.

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