Life on the Web – February 17, 2020

Abortion From Supporting Abortion to Not Opposing Infanticide by Wesley J. Smith When it Comes to Abortion: Human Rights Begin When Human Life Begins, At Conception by Fr. Frank Pavone

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Life on the Web – January 16, 2020

Abortion New York Pressures OB-GYNs To Perform Abortions Or Leave Medicine by Regina Frost – “If New York and Planned Parenthood succeed in blocking conscience protections for medical professionals, I

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Life on the Web – December 20, 2019

Abortion What Would You Say About Abortion and Rape? – Answering a Tough Question by John Stonestreet Unethical Study Manufactures Results by Bradley Mattes “Totally unethical and discriminatory”: Mum blasts screening that has

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Life on the Web – November 7, 2019

Abortion Judge Strikes Down Trump Pro-Life Rule Protecting Doctors From Being Forced to Do Abortions by Steven Ertelt Abortion is never medically necessary by Lila Rose & Donna Harrison What They Don’t

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Life on the Web – October 25, 2019

Abortion Why Abortion Apologists Like Jen Gunter Keep Lying About Babies And Christians by Hans Fiene – “OB/GYN and abortion supporter Jen Gunter ignores all the evidence in favor of

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Life on the Web – October 16, 2019

Abortion UK Court Orders Forced Abortion On Woman Late-Term Abortionist Offers Mothers The Chance To Cuddle Their Dead Babies by Stella Morabito – “The open practice of killing then cuddling

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Life on the Web – October 8, 2019

Abortion 40 Days for Life Campaign Has Saved 93 Babies From Abortion So Far by Shawn Carney Abortion Supporters Wish Rape On Pro-Lifers, Cut Out Beating Hearts, Practice On Papayas

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Life on the Web – September 10, 2019

Abortion Planned Parenthood Partner Admits Selling Intact Heads and Brains From Aborted Babies by Micaiah Bilger Over 20,000 pro-lifers march to protest UK imposing abortion on Northern Ireland by Calvin

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