Life On the Web – November 14, 2014

Abortion Cashier Tells Mom of Toddler With Down Syndrome: “Bet You Wish You Knew Before He Came Out” by Steven Ertelt Sex-Selection Abortions Spreading Across Europe Like an Epidemic by Dave Andrusko 

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Life On the Web – October 28, 2014

Abortion Father Fights to Save His Baby From Abortion After Seeing Pro-Lifers at Clinic by Matt Yonke Breast cancer campaigns – and the risk they don’t mention by Louise Kirk Shiny, Empty

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Life On the Web – October 22, 2014

Abortion “Are We the Baddies?” – A wake-up call to abortion supporters by Eric Metaxas – Martin Luther said, “To go against conscience is neither right nor safe.” Find out why

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Life On the Web – October 13, 2014

Abortion We Like Abortion by Bradley Mattes 199 Babies Spared From Abortion So Far During 40 Days for Life Campaign by Shawn Carney Bioethics More Embryonic Stem Cell Hype, Less Reality and

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Life On the Web – October 9, 2014

Abortion British model who said she’d abort her child to get on reality show now says she is “completely anti-abortion” by Dave Andrusko Speaking of Breast Cancer Awareness Month … by Gayle

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Life On the Web – September 29, 2014

Abortion Forced Abortions, Suffering of Millions of Women Decried on 34th Anniversary of China’s One Child Policy by Stoyan Zaimov Days Before The Abortion of Their “Disabled” Baby,” They Said No,

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Life On the Web – September 24, 2014

Abortion Former Soviet President Gorchachev reveals pain at having to choose between his wife and their unborn child by Dave Andrusko Why Many “Scholarly Studies” Can’t Be Trusted by Wesley J. Smith

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Life On the Web – September 23, 2014

Abortion The Abortion Pill Known as “RU-486”: By any other name … Just as deadly by Randall K. O’Bannon Out of India comes yet more evidence that abortion causes breast cancer by

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Life On the Web – September 18, 2014

Abortion/Adoption Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson: Don’t Vote for “Ripping Fetuses Out of Their Mother’s Womb” by Steven Erteltt Bioethics Adult Stem Cells Help Bryan Hinkle Make a Lifesaving Comeback by David Prentice

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Life On the Web – September 16, 2014

Abortion Thousands Mourn Innocent Victims of Abortion on Second Annual National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children by John Jansen Lori Trinche, our mission and ministry coordinator, attended this event in

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