Life On the Web – May 7, 2015

Abortion The one question no one is asking in the witch hunt against pro-life pregnancy centers by Jay Hobbs 360 to 400 Million Babies Have Been Aborted in China Since Adoption

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Life On the Web – April 27, 2015

Abortion Ignoring a Breast Cancer Link by Bradley Mattes Serbian abortionist who performed over 40,000 abortions becomes pro-life activist by Sarah Terzo If science shows abortion is wrong, why is the pro-life

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Life On the Web – April 10, 2015

Abortion Striking a nerve: The Unborn Child Protection from Dismemberment Abortion Act by Dave Andrusko Woman laments having to try three times before her unborn baby is dead by Dave Andrusko Presbyterian

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Life On the Web – March 5, 2015

Abortion China’s Pro-Abortion One-Child Policy Continues to Destroy Lives, Despite Reports by Reggie Littlejohn Bioethics End Baby “Incompatible with Life” Bigotry by Wesley J. Smith End-of-Life Wesley J. Smith (past LFL National

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Life On the Web – February 27, 2015

Abortion Pro-Life Doctor Succeeds in Reversing Abortion Pill by Andrew Bair 17-year-old kidnapping victim who awoke from a coma pregnant never considered abortion by Thaddeus Baklinski The doctors said he would die, but

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Life On the Web – February 16, 2015

Abortion Pro-Choice writer says why she would have an abortion How Planned Parenthood tried to hijack the pro-life movement’s greatest weapon—and failed by Shawn Carney Adoption The theology of adoption: A

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Life On the Web – February 4, 2015

Abortion How “big abortion” is losing by Sheila Liaugminas South Africans Have Paid for Abortions of 1.2 Million Babies Since 1997 by Taryn Hodgson Bioethics Creating three-parent embryos is eugenics – sadly,

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Life On the Web – January 22, 2015

Abortion 57,762,169 Abortions in America Since Roe vs. Wade in 1973 by Steven Ertelt Celebrate the Sanctity of Life Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison issues statement on 42nd Roe v. Wade

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Life On the Web – January 20, 2015

Abortion Baby Screamed During Live-Birth Abortion, We Can’t Forget This Baby’s Cries by Steven Ertelt Daily Show Mocks “Crazy-Ass” Alabama Law Protecting Unborn Babies by Kristine Marsh Abortion Clinic Security Guard Sings:

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