Life On the Web – October 4, 2014

Abortion Too hot to print for the Mason City Globe Gazette (See page three in the Iowa Right to Life newsletter.) Jessa Duggar Criticized for Linking the Holocaust With Abortion by Sarah

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Life On the Web – September 18, 2014

Abortion/Adoption Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson: Don’t Vote for “Ripping Fetuses Out of Their Mother’s Womb” by Steven Erteltt Bioethics Adult Stem Cells Help Bryan Hinkle Make a Lifesaving Comeback by David Prentice

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Life On the Web – September 5, 2014

Abortion Miracle Triplets Start School Four Years After Mom Ignored Advice to Abort Them by Steven Ertelt Adoption An Informed Birthmother by Amanda Lord Creation If you can Believe in Earth, Everything

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Life On the Web – August 27, 2014

Abortion “How self-righteousness and cold rationalizations blur distinctions between man and monster” by Dave Andrusko Parents Abandon Mentally Disabled Baby, Tell Surrogate Mom: “We Don’t Want a Dribbling Cabbage” by Steven Ertelt

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Life On the Web – August 15, 2014

Abortion Pro-lifers to gather for annual day of prayer at graves of aborted children September 13 New Russian Bill Would Allow Forced Abortions Up to Birth by Steven Ertelt Robin Williams

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Life On the Web – July 22, 2014

Abortion The abortion of JFK’s children was evil – but it’s also a tragic loss by Jonathan Van Maren Adoption Adoptive Parents Don’t Need to Apologize for Saving an Orphan by Kelly

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Life On the Web – July 18, 2014

Abortion Unsafe sex: Planned Parenthood’s advice for teens by Andrew Branch My Son Was Conceived in Rape, But That Doesn’t Define His Value or His Humanity by Robyn McLean No Wonder Many

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Life On the Web – July 16, 2014

Abortion Dads and abortion: Three ways they intersect by Paul Stark This is precisely how a late abortion is performed: now, tell me about the “right to choose” by Abby Johnson I

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Life On the Web – June 30, 2014

Abortion The Hobby Lobby Supreme Court Decision – Lutherans For Life  U.S. Supreme Court rules in favor of religious liberty by Jeni Miller Supreme Court Rules Obama Admin Can’t Make Hobby Lobby

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Life On the Web – June 27, 2014

Abortion Flowers at the Abortion Clinic – “Obvious Child” Is No Laughing Matter by Eric Metaxas – “How will you convince young women that abortion is no big deal? Well, you

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