Life on the Web – August 12, 2022

Protect Yourself in Dangerous Medical Environments Look for Your Moral Blind Spots What Abortion Built Pro-Life Coach Tony Dungy: Adopting Eight Children Has Been a “Blessing” Jaw-dropping: Pro-abortion counselors claim

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Life on the Web – August 5, 2022

43 Abortion Centers Have Closed or Stopped Killing Babies So Far, 7 States are Abortion-Free Man Adopts Baby He Found Abandoned in Trash Can Covered in Ants Pro-Lifers Need Not

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Life on the Web – July 22, 2022

Answering Pro-Abortion ‘Gotcha’ Arguments: Burning Fertility Clinics and Other Strange Fantasies Meet the Achilles Heel of the Abortion Industry Pro-Abortionists Play “Soccer” with Bible in Seattle Why Christians Should Celebrate

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Life on the Web – July 15, 2022

Killing Roe Doesn’t Mean It’s Illegal to Kill the Unborn Science Confirms Human Life Begins at Conception, Unborn Children are Human Beings Abortion is Just Like Slavery: When People are

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Life on the Web – July 8, 2022

Ob-Gyn: No, The Dobbs Decision Does Not Put Women’s Lives In Danger So Now What? Reflections on Dobbs and 50 years of Roe Celebration, Hatred, and Confusion—How to Reach People

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Life on the Web – July 1, 2022

Lutherans For Life Ministry in Uganda How to Make the Case against Abortion in Less Than a Minute 100,000 Pro-Life People March in Spain to Demand End to Abortion Patricia

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Roe v. Wade Overturned!

Lutherans For Life rejoices that an egregious injustice has been rectified. Thanks be to God for the Supreme Court’s reversal of the erroneous Roe v. Wade decision! Our nation and

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Life on the Web – June 18, 2022

Doctor Says Science Confirms Developing Unborn Babies are Human Beings High School Requires Students to Sign Pledge to Support Killing Babies in Abortions South Dakota Now Abortion Free as Last

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Life on the Web – June 3, 2022

World’s Most Premature Twins Were Born Two Weeks Before Abortion Limit Churches on Abortion: Why We Differ Pro-lifers can make this summer the most impactful ‘summer of service’ yet

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