Life on the Web – April 15, 2016
Abortion What goes ‘round, comes ‘round by Jean Garton The pro-life news story which went viral and is saving babies by Anthony Ozimic China commits “staggering” 23 million abortions per year,
Abortion What goes ‘round, comes ‘round by Jean Garton The pro-life news story which went viral and is saving babies by Anthony Ozimic China commits “staggering” 23 million abortions per year,
Abortion Mother of “miracle” baby: UK abortion law is a disgrace Heartbreaking letter shows the insanity of abortion Research shows female babies being aborted in Canada out of preference for
Abortion The Right to Life Is Not Like the Right to Drive by Amy K. Hall Unsung Heroes: Theo’s Mum by Isaac Spencer Ask Hillary Clinton Why Abortion Is A “Difficult
Abortion Daleiden: California agents ‘took everything,’ including unreleased Planned Parenthood footage by Ben Johnson Planned Parenthood generates huge increase in taxpayer funded abortions in Minnesota Planned Parenthood sues to stop
Abortion California agents raid David Daleiden’s home, seize undercover Planned Parenthood footage by Ben Johnson Why Pro-Lifers Don’t Support Punishing Women For Abortion by Rachel Lu What Happened to “Safe, Legal,
Abortion Do People Change Their Minds about Abortion? by Alan Shlemon The Occult World of Abortion by Judie Brown Bioethics Taking the Intimacy Out of Family Creation by Wesley J. Smith
NEW RESOURCES! New bulletin inserts—from Lutherans For Life—for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day will soon be available for shipping from Concordia Publishing House. Check out Mothers are Saints on Earth and
Bioethics Gender Confusion Rising in Kids End-of-Life Canada Physician Assistants Want in on Euthanasia Kill by Wesley J. Smith Family Living 10 Strategies Far Better Than Shirley MacLaine’s For A
Abortion 5 Things Planned Parenthood Can Learn From Pregnancy Centers by Jay Hobbs – “Planned Parenthood has finally decided it wants to be ‘human-centered.’ It has a lot to learn
Creation Video: A “Nightmarish Scenario” for Darwinism — the Curse of Non-Adaptive Order by David Klinghoffer Family Living Want a stable family someday? Date intentionally by Amber Lapp – “We need