Dozens of teenage girls have had three abortions or more
The Telegraph (UK) reports that “dozens of teenage girls have had three abortions or more, according to figures that campaigners say paint a profoundly depressing picture of modern Britain.”
The Telegraph (UK) reports that “dozens of teenage girls have had three abortions or more, according to figures that campaigners say paint a profoundly depressing picture of modern Britain.”
Albert Mohler comments on the incredible tragedy of babies conceived through in vitro fertilization being aborted.
Check out this great new iPad app: Hello Baby.
Andrea Bocelli shares a “fairy tale” about abortion in this video link provided by John Smeaton of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children.
In a National Review article, Patrick Lee and Robert P. موقع حقيقي لربح المال George look at “another failed effort to show that human embryos are not human beings.”
Wesley Smith, who will be giving the keynote address at our National Conference in Green Bay, Wisconsin, takes a look at why the assisted suicide and euthanasia movment has become
Home Base, an e-journal on Christian family life, had a good article on The Six Myths of Caregiving. Click here to download the PDF.
Booknote! Check it out! Several LFL Speakers Bureau members have contributed to a new book just published by Northwestern Publishing House. It’s called Here We Stand – Confessional Christian Study
Do you remember the super-successful hip-hop group TLC? 365 bet Dave Andrusko reports on a recent episode of What Chilli Wants where group member Rozanda “Chilli” Thomas talks about the
The Rev. Scott Schmieding believes that he’s been able to reach more people than if he had not had cancer. Here’s the story from Christianity Today and the St. العاب