Life on the Web – December 9, 2022

Legislating Morality – Fact or Fiction Unborn Baby Saves Her Twin Sister’s Life by Sending Out “Distress Signal” From the Womb This Paralympian Wanted a Wheelchair Ramp, Canada Offered Her

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Life on the Web – September 9, 2022

The sin of racism: A Gospel response ‘Lifemark’: Motion picture about adoption shares pro-life message Court Rules New York Can’t Shut Down Christian Adoption Agency That Prefers Mother, Father for

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Life on the Web – September 2, 2022

The Firebombing and Rebuilding of CompassCare in Buffalo, New York  Answering Pro-abortion Arguments: What About Fetal Disability and Death? Mom of 12 Kids Says “Children are a Blessing” 7,000 Pro-Life

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Life on the Web – August 12, 2022

Protect Yourself in Dangerous Medical Environments Look for Your Moral Blind Spots What Abortion Built Pro-Life Coach Tony Dungy: Adopting Eight Children Has Been a “Blessing” Jaw-dropping: Pro-abortion counselors claim

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A Drive Home

by Michelle Bauman, director of Y4Life I drove home from Branson yesterday. It’s usually a long trip, but yesterday’s route was much longer than usual. Though I don’t know whether

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Life on the Web – April 1, 2022

A History of Caring for Life Finnish Lutherans fully acquitted 17 Years After They Starved My Sister to Death, We Must Never Forget Terri Schiavo Christians must choose life I

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The Key

by Michelle Bauman I’m sure you’ve heard talk in the news about a recession lately; more and more pundits are expressing fear, worry, and impending doom. Concern over our country’s

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The Chosen

by Michelle Bauman Last night, we watched another episode of The Chosen. I’m not a big fan of televised reenactments of the Bible typically; they often seem forced and implausible.

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Life on the Web – February 24, 2022

Let the Little Children Come Bullied 11-year-old girl with Down’s Syndrome is walked to school by North Macedonia’s president after he heard she sits in a classroom by herself after

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