June 29, 2021

Download LifeDate Summer 2021

While we normally don’t promote movies in LifeDate, you may want to check out this new short film produced by Fantasmil Films.

If one choice could free you from a terrible situation, would you take that chance? That is the approach Wheelchair takes as it looks at the pro-life issue from a unique and moving perspective.

The film follows the journey of Stephany, a young mother who is dealing with the pressures and turmoil of life after her three-year-old son is confined to a wheelchair following an incident.

Wheelchair was written and directed by Jacob Waldorf, a Minnesota native with a passion for fighting to protect the unborn. The film looks to examine the abortion issue in a new light, with the focus being that the baby in the womb is a real person.

The film was shot in the Grand Forks, North Dakota, and Warren, Minnesota, area in the spring of 2019. It has since gone on to be featured at the 2020 Christian Worldview Film Festival and been reviewed as a “powerful,” “deeply-moving,” and “thought-provoking” short film. The film is currently available digitally through several platforms, including Amazon, Christian Cinema, and Saltflix.

“The film Wheelchair presents abortion and all the personal conflicts leading up to it from a different perspective. It picks up on a few things that are very common when someone contemplates an abortion. They view their circumstances and see things they will miss in their life if they have their baby. They don’t always get the support they need from friends and family. And, they see the burden they will carry, especially if the baby is disabled, as in this movie. People on both sides of the abortion issue make their case to the mother. Seeing this child as already being born brings out the personhood that is often forgotten as the child in the womb is not physically seen. The act of an abortion clearly depicts the abortionist wanting to keep the child still as it bothered him to see the child moving. The actual act, although not seen on the screen, is depicted vividly by the mother’s reaction and seeing the young boy becoming lifeless. What happens in the end is a testament to all the sidewalk counselors and those praying for a woman having an abortion, showing they do touch hearts and change lives with God’s help.”

Virginia Flo, LFL Conference Director & LFL Regional Director of Minnesota