Mark Laverty on Life Teams
Mark Laverty, music director at Zion Lutheran Church in Maryland Heights, Missouri, talked about Life Teams and what it means to be a leader in this group on the “His Time Morning Show” on KFUO Radio.
An international team of scientists appears to have cloned human embryos for the purpose of embryonic stem cell research. Lutherans For Life (LFL) reiterates its opposition to human cloning. Cloning is not the creation of life by the hands of God, but the production of human life by the hands of man. God creates life so that we might serve Him. Cloning produces life with the intent of destroying it to serve man.
Dr. Lamb talks with Rev. Todd Wilken, of “Issues, Etc.,” about when and how to speak about abortion.
Jim Schroeder, Christian Estate Planning Counselor for Lutherans For Life, talks about how Christians can make the best estate plans for both their family and their favorite ministries.
Dr. Lamb discusses adoption and “unwanted” children on Issues, Etc. with Rev. Todd Wilken.