June 2, 2017


Deadliest Cash: Planned Parenthood Reels in Record Profit by Tony Perkins

Five reflections on Planned Parenthood’s latest annual report by Dave Andrusko

New Scottish stats show “abortion is a weapon targeted on the weak and marginalized”

New York Magazine is Right: Every Pregnancy Center is a Threat to Big Abortion by Jay Hobbs

A Christian abortion doctor? On the ignorance, arrogance, and violence of the Pro-Choice cause by Charles K. Bellinger – “An abortion doctor’s inadequate apologia.”


Older Child Adoption: This Isn’t What We Expected!

5 Things I Wish I’d Known Before Adopting a Child with Special Needs


Turning Children into Jewelry? by Eric Metaxas & Anne Morse – “Embryo Adoption Is a Far Better Option”


What They’re Not Telling You About Assisted Suicide by Bradley Mattes

Offered Assisted Suicide in Place of Treatment by Wesley J. Smith

Nevada doctor: insurance companies refused patients lifesaving treatment, offered to pay for assisted suicide

Fetal Development

What Science Says About Whether Fetuses Can Feel Pain by Matthew Lazenka – “To argue that fetal pain does not exist prior to the third trimester is to argue that our understanding of pain is complete and to ignore the overwhelming evidence that it is not.”

When Does Human Life Begin? by Brooke Stanton – “The science has been obscured in philosophy, but the question is settled.”

Watching My Wife Give Birth Illuminated What a Miracle Life Is by Daniel Payne – “I had been by my wife’s side for 12 hours as she moaned, breathed, and eventually pushed, and still I was not prepared for what seemed for all appearances to be magic.”

Movies – Television – Video

Guardians of the Galaxy: Deadbeat Dad Edition by Melissa Mackenzie

Sexual Purity

Millennials Want More From Love Than Hookups, Study Finds by Mariana Barillas – “It’s clear that ‘The Talk’ needs to be about more than just sex. Love rooted in reality is what millennials have been looking for after all.”

Worldview and Culture

Shock! Horror! Arghhhh! Overpopulation! by Marcus Roberts – “This discredited shibboleth won’t die.”

Ill. Advised: State Fosters Abuse with Trans Rule by Tony Perkins

How Objective Beauty Fuels a Culture by Amy K. Hall

This “Robot Priest” Heralds Christianity’s Death In Europe by John Daniel Davidson – “European churches marking the 500th anniversary of the Reformation this year are also marking the end of Christianity on the continent.”


Are You a “Banana Slinger?” by Pastor Doug Merkey

Most people instinctively know that you can’t feed an infant an unpeeled, whole banana. We know that we must mash it down and feed it to them slowly with a baby spoon while making ridiculous noises of an airplane about to land. That being the case, it’s really strange to watch life-affirming people violate this same principle as they try to “feed” or equip their church to champion life.

We call these folks “banana slingers” because they tend to fling unpeeled, whole, life-affirming truths and opportunities at their pastor and congregation. Let this serve as a reminder that Jesus invites us to be banana mashers in life ministry.

Sure, we can forgo making noises like an airplane about to land when we equip others to champion life. But we still must mash down (i.e., simplify) life-affirming truths and opportunities to suit the experience and life-affirming maturity of those we’re trying to equip, including pastors. Our motive and power for doing comes from God as He helps us marvel at the way He mashes the banana (His Word, if you’ll forgive the metaphor!) so that we might understand it and Him (see Mark 4:33-34).

In addition, we’re transformed as the Spirit captivates us with Jesus’ willingness to be “mashed” by His Father to bear the penalty we deserve for our sin (see Isaiah 53).

Let’s let the Holy Spirit transform us from banana slingers into banana mashers in life ministry as we behold these transcendent and radiant truths.