July 5, 2017


Being Pro-Life at Google – The Case for Life is Strong by John Stonestreet & G. Shane Morris – “Is it possible to argue effectively for the rights of the unborn to a secular audience? Just Google it!”

These Graphic Pictures Show The Horrors Planned Parenthood Is Fighting For by Eric Scheidler – “Employing euphemisms like ‘choice’ and ‘reproductive rights,’ abortion advocates are desperate to keep Americans from thinking about the children who are being killed.”


Study Finds Some Oral Contraceptives Increase Risks For Breast Cancer by Holly Scheer – “Yet another study finds a link between hormonal contraceptives and dangerous health outcomes for women, this time in increased breast cancer risks.”


Netherlands: 431 people euthanized without consent in 2015

Charlie Gard Has Happened Here Too by Wesley J. Smith

Yanking Life Support From UK Baby Demonstrates Dangers Of Socialized Medicine by Nicole Russell – “Against his parents’ wishes, Britain is preventing an ill infant from getting care, and the legal and social environment in the United States isn’t far away.”

Family Living

Months After Media Mockery, Poll Finds Americans Agree With Mike Pence’s Rules About Women by Mollie Hemingway – “How out of touch are newsrooms that they thought Mike Pence’s position was Sharia-like, as opposed to what it turns out to be: completely normal?”

Orphan Care

Enforcing Gender Ideology On Foster Families Only Hurts Needy Kids by Joseph Turner – “Impoverished children always get the shortest end of the crummy progressive policy stick. Depleting foster families is just one example.”

Worldview and Culture

Mark Zuckerberg Is Clueless About Church If He Thinks Facebook Can Replicate It by Margot Cleveland – “Facebook reflects a diseased society that has failed to share its faith with the next generation, and has succumbed instead to moralistic therapeutic deism.”

Gov’t bans prayer to God; Christian preschool forced to thank ‘sun and rain’ for meals instead by Claire Chretien – Talk show host Steve Deace wrote, “This is why we lose—and deserve to. No government can do this. It’s simply not possible. A proper headline would say one of these two: 1) “Christian school decides that government is god, and not God.” 2) “Christian school decides to obey man and not God.” No Apostle would’ve obeyed such an edict, even under the threat of death. This sort of complacency and lack of resolve is why this is happening.”

Report: Attacks On America’s First Freedom Increased 76 Percent In Three Years by Travis Weber – “On America’s birthday, it is appropriate to be thankful and reflect on how we can guard against the suppression of religious freedom, before it is too late.”

A Pastor’s Posture by Ted Cunningham 

An honest question deserves an honest answer by John Preus

The Fourth of July in Postmodern America by Gilbert T. Sewall

How Christians should celebrate Independence Day by Gary DeMar

Why You Should Read Your Kids The Declaration Of Independence Today by Luma Simms – “For all their talk of a free society, in England, as throughout Europe, people belong to the state. Not so in America! In America people belong to themselves and it is the state that belongs to the people.”

Getting Christ out of Caesar’s Shadow: A Call to the Confessing Church by Jonathan Conner

Satire: Millions Of Unbelievers Flock To Atheist Paradise Of North Korea